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Audyogik Shikshan Mandal's College Of Commerce, Science and Information Technology, Pune. (CSIT)

Address : STP Building 'C', Chikhali Road, Purna Nagar, Chinchwad, Pune. - 411019

Contact Email : [email protected]

Phone No / Contact Number : 020-27492540, 27492541, 27491455

Website : csitpune.org

Operational since 2001
College has been affiliated to the university of pune((Ref.No.: CA/3631. Dated 18th Sept.2001) and recognized by the Government of Maharashtra vide sanction no. Society Regd.Number ((Ref.No.: NGC/1001/NMV/ (186/2001) / Mashi-3. Dated 14th July 2001.

Pune University Courses offered at College

B.A., B.Com. B.C.S.
B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M.
Diploma in Taxation
P.G.Diploma in Internationtional Buisness

Pune Directory
B.Sc. Computer Science / BCS
Colleges / Institutes
B.Sc. Computer Science / BCS Colleges / Institutes
SPPU Pune University Colleges / Institutes
M.Sc. Computer Science / MCS Colleges / Institutes
M.C.A / MCA Colleges / Institutes
Chinchwad Colleges / Institutes
IT / Computer Colleges / Institutes
M.Sc. (Master of Science) Colleges / Institutes
Science Colleges / Institutes
Commerce Colleges / Institutes
B.Com. Colleges / Institutes
B.C.A. / BCA Colleges / Institutes
B.B.A. / BBA Colleges / Institutes
B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) Colleges / Institutes
International Business / Foreign Trade Colleges / Institutes
P.G. Diploma in International Business Colleges / Institutes
SPPU Pune University
M.Sc. Computer Science / MCS
Chinchwad Directory
IT / Computer
M.Sc. (Master of Science)
B.C.A. / BCA
B.B.A. / BBA
B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)
International Business / Foreign Trade
P.G. Diploma in International Business
B.B.M. / BBM
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